+00:00 GMT
How to Become an AI Organization without Going Up in Smoke

Nowadays, AI is more than a promising idea; it has become imperative to get a competitiveadvantage and step up the business game. In order to stay competitive, companies havealready started to look at their data insights and many are already giving their first steps intotheir AI journey with ad-hoc pilot projects.

However, are these efforts enough? For most organizations, they have fallen short.According to McKinsey, only 8% of companies have integrated AI in core practices that supportwidespread adoption.

How to avoid falling into that category and succeed as an AI organization? In this roundtable,we will introduce best practices to avoid getting trapped during the journey.

Attendees will learn practical approaches for:

  • Avoiding common pitfalls when investing in AI
  • Understanding the feasibility, impact and ROI of different AI initiatives
  • Building an AI roadmap to break away from the pack
Alan Descoins
Alan Descoins
CTO @ Tryolabs
Maia Brenner
Maia Brenner
Head of Business Development @ Tryolabs
Track View
10:00 PM, GMT
10:05 PM, GMT
Kickoff and Introductions
10:05 PM, GMT
10:10 PM, GMT
Getting to Know You
10:10 PM, GMT
10:30 PM, GMT
Fireside Chat: How to Become an AI Organization without Going Up in Smoke
Maia Brenner
Alan Descoins
10:30 PM, GMT
10:45 PM, GMT
ROUNDTABLE: Best Practice Sharing & Q&A
10:45 PM, GMT
11:00 PM, GMT
How Tryolabs Can Help
Maia Brenner
Alan Descoins
Event has finished
August 26, 10:00 PM, GMT
Event has finished
August 26, 10:00 PM, GMT