+00:00 GMT
Metrics alone don't improve dev teams: Tips for implementing continuous improvement

Session overview: Tracking process metrics is viewed as table stakes by most dev leaders today. But not all metrics are created equal. And dashboards alone don't help dev teams improve. Progressive software development organizations are moving beyond metrics and visibility into continuous improvement with Software Delivery Intelligence.

What you’ll learn: In this interactive session Dan and his guest will share…

  • Where Software Delivery Intelligence came from what it means
  • What metrics create a culture of teamwork and active improvement
  • How to operationalize data into your day-to-day rituals and ceremonies
  • How to create a bottom-up movement of improvement with your developers
  • How LinearB Software Delivery Intelligence automates continuous improvement
  • PLUS, don't just take it from Dan and Jonathan. You'll have an opportunity to share and hear best practices from the other attendees throughout the event in this interactive session.

Who should attend: This session is specifically for CTOs and VPs of Engineering from fast-growing, SaaS start-ups who want to accelerate delivery by using data as a competitive advantage.

Dan Lines
Dan Lines
Co-founder and COO @ LinearB
Jonathan Sowler
Jonathan Sowler
VP of Engineering @ Unbabel
Track View
10:00 PM, GMT
10:05 PM, GMT
Kickoff and Introductions
10:05 PM, GMT
10:10 PM, GMT
Getting to know you: Understanding your current delivery challenges
10:10 PM, GMT
10:30 PM, GMT
Fireside Chat: Tips for implementing continuous improvement
Dan Lines
Jonathan Sowler
10:30 PM, GMT
10:45 PM, GMT
ROUNDTABLE: Best Practice Sharing
10:45 PM, GMT
11:00 PM, GMT
Beyond metrics with Linear B: Implementing software delivery intelligence
Dan Lines
11:00 PM, GMT
11:30 PM, GMT
Q&A and Group Discussion
Event has finished
April 22, 10:00 PM, GMT
Event has finished
April 22, 10:00 PM, GMT