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Resilience engineering, learning from incidents and unintuitive perspectives on incident analysis

with John Allspaw

February 7, 2023
Resilience engineering, learning from incidents and unintuitive perspectives on incident analysis
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John Allspaw (@allspaw) has worked in software systems engineering and operations for over twenty years in many different environments. John’s publications include the books The Art of Capacity Planning (2009) and Web Operations (2010) as well as the forward to “The DevOps Handbook.”  His 2009 Velocity talk with Paul Hammond, “10+ Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation” helped start the DevOps movement. John served as CTO at Etsy, and holds an MSc in Human Factors and Systems Safety from Lund University.

"The competitive advantage is not for a leader to say, ‘Why did it take so long to restore this issue or resolve this outage?’ A competitive advantage is, ‘Oh my God, that is amazing. Tell me what made this hard and what are any of the things that made it difficult to resolve? Is there anything I can do to help get out of the way for people to do the work?’"

<cite>- John Allspaw    </cite>


Kenji Kiuchi (@dr_kiuchi) is Head of Quality and Performance at Postman, an API platform whose mission is to maximize everyone's creativity through the power of connected software. There he leads a global team with a focus on maximizing user delight and innovating the practice of testing. Before coming to Postman, he spent several years ‘Helping people get Jobs” at Indeed. There, he worked on scaling teams and practice to optimize engineering delivery as well as leading Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging initiatives as an Associate Site Director. Prior to Indeed, Kenji spent several years as an Engineering Manager at Twitter where he led Quality efforts across monetization, growth, infra and the delivery of live video. When Kenji isn’t driving engineering excellence, he’s driving his motorcycle, spending quality time with his 3 daughters, and mentoring leaders across the globe.

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  • John’s perspective on production (4:27)
  • What drove John toward resilience engineering (6:22)
  • How complex systems relate to resilience engineering (9:23)
  • Differences between robustness and resilience (13:13)
  • The role of productive adaptation in resilience engineering (17:26)
  • Identify sources of resilience already present in your organization (22:52)
  • Examples of unintuitive perspectives involving incident analysis (27:15)
  • How to make room for unintuitive perspectives (31:41)
  • Practical tips for implementing resiliency tactics & understanding incidents (36:12)
  • Rapid fire questions (39:51)


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