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Adaptability, Performance, and Delivery by Alexandre Maldaner, Jerry Li

Posted Nov 26, 2020 | Views 597
# Team Building
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# Resilience
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# Prioritization
# Management
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# ELC Annual 2020
# Decision Making
# Collaboration


Jerry Li
Founder @ Gradual

Jerry is passionate about connecting people and empower their career growth. He founded SFELC for this purpose. SFELC is a curated community of 4200+ engineering leaders across all levels in San Francisco and beyond, with a mission to connect the world's engineering leaders and help evolve how leadership is implemented in the tech industry.

Prior to SFELC, he was a director engineering at Groupon, overseeing the entire payments engineering with distributed teams. Before Groupon, he was an engineer and later an engineering manager at Amazon.

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Alexandre Maldaner
VP, Customer Operations @ Daitan Group

R&D executive with strong software engineering background from nearly 20 years working on large scale multi-site projects across multiple industries. Experienced in building, managing and scaling agile software development teams for customers ranging from rapidly growing tech startups to multi-billion dollar enterprises, overseeing the value delivered by teams of all sizes (from small self contained teams to 150+ engineers engaged in the full product lifecycle), in a broad range of technologies. In all cases, Alexandre works very closely with Engineering executives and leaders, to tailor the teams and agile processes to each customer, aiming to maximize their time to value.

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Strong technical knowledge and high team performance are certainly key ingredients for an engineering organization to deliver the results the business needs. But there is obviously a lot more to it, especially in times of accelerated organization growth. In this session, we want to quickly talk about the importance of adaptability and experience: in a rapidly changing world, software engineers are constantly challenged with situations that require them to quickly adapt - new technologies they need to learn, new processes they need to embrace, conflicting and ever-changing requirements, different people they need to interact with, etc.

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