+00:00 GMT
July 28, 2022

ELC DevTools Survey

ELC DevTools Survey

Help us gain insight into the current tools & trends!

ELC DevTools Survey

Do you want to know what dev tools your fellow eng leaders are utilizing within their teams today? We’re collecting that info – and we need your help!

We’re inviting you to partake in a first-of-its-kind survey about the DevTools eng leaders & engineers use – ranging from productivity to DevOps, product analytics to customer collaboration, & more.

[ Click here to respond to our DevTools survey ]

Besides helping us collect valuable industry insights & trends, as a responder to the survey you’ll also receive:

  1. A book of your choice from a community-curated selection, featuring titles like...
  2. An Elegant Puzzle by Will Larson (our community's most recommended book)
  3. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir (the podcast's most recommended book)
  4. Team Topologies by Manual Pias & Matthew Skelton (top community recommendation)
  5. Radical Candor by Kim Scott (top community recommendation)
  6. Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (top community recommendation)
  7. The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz (top community recommendation)
  8. The Three Body Problem by Cixiun Liu (Patrick’s latest favorite SciFi series)

AND an entry into a raffle to win 1 of 5 tickets to our upcoming in-person ELC Summit!

Most importantly, your response will help us create an industry-wide report that will reveal valuable insights into our community’s dev tooling. As a respondent, you’ll get early access to the insights in that report (before sharing with the rest of the community).

(It will take 7 minutes or less to fill out this survey)

[ Click here to respond to our DevTools survey ]

Thank you for helping our community better understand the latest tools & trends!

-The ELC Team

P.S. Don’t forget to share the survey link with your team! They’re also eligible for the book + raffle entry.

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