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# ELC Annual 2022
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Making Bold Decisions and Taking Risks in Your Career — The Journeys of 3 Women Leaders

Annie Cheng
Claire Hough
Lisa Gelobter
Annie Cheng, Claire Hough, Lisa Gelobter & 1 more speaker


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ELC Annual 2023
ELC Annual 2023
37 Items
Org and Team Structure
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Distributed and Remote Teams
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Career Growth and Transitions
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33 Items
Influence and Communication
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ELC Annual 2022
34 Items
ELC Spring Summit 2022
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Ya Xu
Melody Meckfessel
Ya Xu & Melody Meckfessel · Sep 13th, 2024
LinkedIn has been using AI for more than a decade. In that time, it has seen the use of ML and AI accelerate and evolve in ways that challenge every organization, but especially a professional network that has reached 1B members and 67M companies. Generative AI has only heightened the interest in wanting to infuse AI into product experiences that must scale, which is why engineering leaders should be thinking about the foundations needed to help their companies reach a new level of impact with AI. Ya Xu (VP of Engineering, Head of Data and AI @ LinkedIn) and Melody Meckfessel (CTO @ Jasper) discuss the three foundational elements every leader should consider - Platforms, Expertise and Culture.
James Everingham
James Everingham · Sep 13th, 2024
Reorganization is a powerful tool that can transform a team's performance but is often misused. In this talk, James will delve into the importance of organizational design and its impact on how well your team works together. He will cover techniques for assessing current team structures, defining clear objectives, and implementing successful reorganization plans. The session will highlight fundamental principles, share real-world examples, and offer best practices to ensure teams are set up for success. Whether you're aiming to streamline workflows, enhance innovation, or foster a more productive work environment, this talk will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies to guide your team through effective reorganization.
“Leadership is about scaling problem-solving.” This challenge only intensifies when your company faces extreme hypergrowth needs. So, how do you scale your leadership to stay ahead of your company? How do you build a culture where people aren’t afraid to make mistakes, share opinions, and push for better ideas? How do you build teams and empower people to make decisions at scale? Thuan Pham (CTO of Faire, former CTO @ Uber & Coupang) & Franziska Bell (SVP Digital Technology @ bp) will share strategies behind leading through empowerment vs. fear. They’ll cover how to build a culture that encourages problem-solving without fear of making mistakes and how to empower employees to contribute ideas and make autonomous decisions. Plus they’ll discuss how to scale yourself, and scale your team alongside the growth of your company.
Harold Giménez
Lawrence Bruhmuller
Harold Giménez & Lawrence Bruhmuller · Sep 13th, 2024
Transitioning from leading part of engineering to overseeing the entire function presents a unique leadership challenge. How does your leadership need to change? In this session, Harold Gimenez( SVP of Engineering @ Hashicorp) and Lawrence Bruhmuller (SVP of Engineering @ Great Expectations) will share key lessons, insights (and mistakes) from his journey across different growth stages. He’ll cover systems around process, accountability, autonomy, execution, alignment, and collaboration. Plus the trade-offs involved with different management systems, strategies to maintain action orientation and overcome decision paralysis as you become further removed from day-to-day operations, as well as tips on building healthy high-performing teams!
With over 25 years of engineering leadership experience spanning startups to large organizations, Wade has honed in on the critical beliefs, behaviors, and competencies that foster high-performing teams and cultures. In this session, Wade will explore two fundamental behaviors that underpin most leadership competencies, providing insights and strategies for enhancing these essential traits.
Chad Wathington
Kathleen Vignos
Chad Wathington & Kathleen Vignos · Sep 13th, 2024
Aligning priorities is crucial in any organization, since having people pursue different objectives leads to waste and failure. However, we see many instances of organizations developing their business strategy in isolation from the technology organization. We also see many instances of architecture groups within technology making decisions while not being connected with the teams actually delivering the technology solutions. In this session, Chad Wathington (Chief Strategy Officer @ Thoughtworks) and Kathleen Vignos (VP of Software Engineering @ Capitol One) will describe various strategies for resolving these misalignments, including building a technology strategy that aligns with the business strategy. Strategies such as these give visibility into the rationale behind the decisions, the risks to achieving the overall business goals, and the tradeoffs that are necessary to achieve the goals holistically.
Arquay Harris
Marcel Weekes
Arquay Harris & Marcel Weekes · Sep 13th, 2024
Join Marcel Weekes, VP of Engineering at Figma, for a conversation with Arquay Harris, former engineering leader at Webflow and Slack. Explore how collaborative team rituals—and tools—can create a more efficient and engaging engineering culture.
Anurag Agarwal
Lizzie Matusov
Anurag Agarwal & Lizzie Matusov · Sep 13th, 2024
AI is transforming the way products are built, necessitating new forms of collaboration across teams and fueling a wave of product innovation. In this session with Anurag Agarwal (VPE, Google Workspace @ Google) & Lizzie Matusov (Co-founder & CEO @ Quotient) Anurag will share how he's fostering cross-functional collaboration in Google Workspace, while cultivating a culture of deep innovation in the age of AI.
As an engineering leader, you’ve definitely been asked by your CEO about your approach to AI and you’re already building something. This talk dives into how to reflect on early learnings and take a step back to strategically evaluate generative AI's potential within the context of your business. At FOX, Melody is responsible for crafting offensive strategies to drive AI innovation and expand FOX’s creative execution and distribution reach while also implementing defensive measures against the emergent threats to the media ecosystem. As you can imagine, there is no shortage of ideas and opinions on AI within sports, news and entertainment, but how do you prioritize the projects that matter? She’ll discuss how to use your role as a technologist to set a comprehensive AI strategy that both enables your organization to thrive and springboards you personally to operate at a higher level with a seat at the broader business table.
Shibani Sanan
Rakesh Rajan
Thanos Diacakis
Shibani Sanan, Rakesh Rajan & Thanos Diacakis · Sep 13th, 2024
In this session, we explore lessons on engineering culture and operational excellence across experiences from large companies to startups with Shibani Sanan (CTO @ Ladder), Rakesh Rajan (VPE @ Rippling) & Thanos Diacakis (Software Engineering Effectiveness Coach & Technical Leader @ Cosmic Teacups)! They’ll share insights on scaling systems and platform strategy to encourage speed, innovation and to minimize dependencies. Plus perspectives on shaping culture for engineering and operational excellence covering expectations for managers, production operational reviews, rewarding excellence, prioritization and more.